Wednesday 25 February 2009

So I'll Stay Around And Watch This Town Fall Down To Its Knees.

Im bored and can't sleep so decided I would put this time to good use and write a blog.

In all honesty not a great deal has happened recently but I'm suprisingly chirpy despite having an emotional breakdown last night over the most stupidest thing ever (although im pretty sure it was something else that started this).

I feel im finally begining to make some progress at uni and am so far pleased with my grades and feel that they are fair when looking over the comments my tutors have given me. Whats suprised me most was the B+ I recieved for my Nirvana presentation as when I was doing it I really did feel that I was a jibbering wreck who was talking far too quickly and not making any sense at all. Next week is our deadline for our album cover project, our pop promo analysis, and our album cover esssay and i'm hoping I recieve good marks for these as I have actually worked quite hard on them, and would quite like too start recieving more B/C grades for work compared to my current C/D.

This past weekend I actually had off work for once so obviously put this to good use and had a weekend of drunken antics down in Epsom. Although Epsom is pretty shit when it comes to places to go for a night out; you really can't beat a good old evening at Spoons followed by a lovely walk back to Aimees. I'm really hoping myself, Aimee and Pauaa do actually find a house down there for next year as I'm really begining to feel that moving out from my house would benefit me alot and would actually teach me how to use my money wisely which is something i've become TERRIBLE at recently.

Not much has really happened on the music scene recently except purchasing my Funeral For A Friend ticket for March 29th which I am thoroughly looking forward too minus their support of People In Planes who I think are pretty rubbish but this is made up by the fact that We Are The Ocean who I have wanted to see for ages (Im clearly a scene/emo kid at heart). Nothing will ever top them having Cancer Bats as support for their last tour but I wont complain. Apart from this I have been listening to alot of The Maccabees, Bat For Lashes, You me At Six and The Cure. Oh and i'm hopefully going to Reading as the guessed line up's I've seen look AMAZING!

I've been thinking alot recently about my friendships and have started to realise that I don't really have anyone I consider to be my best friend anymore and I actually find this quite sad. I miss having someone I can tell absolutely anything and everything too without feeling like an idiot. This isnt to say that Im not grateful for the friends I have now as they're actually amazing but literally every person I have considered to be my best friend has fucked off and stopped talking to me for reasons unknown (although they were all boys which may explain something). The downside of this is that I now hardly trust anyone atall and it takes ages for anyone to gain my trust which isn't very good.

Well I suppose I better go now as writing this has taken up 30 minutes and I have 2 lectures tomorrow followed by a evening filled with Nandos, cake making, pancakes, present giving, drinking games and Wetherspoons.


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